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Mares Puck Air Computer Console With Compass

Puck Air is another hose air-integrated dive computer along with Nemo Air made by Mares. It is suitable for divers with any levels of experience, thanks to an easy access, intuitive programming and retrieving information, and it may be used as a single unit or you may attach a compass to make more versatile console.

This dive computer comes with 2 years warranty and following optional features - PC interface and Lens protector.

As a hose air-integrated dive computer, Puck Air has functions that will help you to be aware of you real bottom time by calculating Air Time Remaining (ATR) and tank pressure.

Mares Puck Air Features Card

Copy this Mares Puck Air Key Features & Alarms Card for your Reference and Share with your friends and buddies!


  • you will get Nitrox capable hose air-integrated dive computer with easy set up for recreational diving;

  • you will get instrument that has only one button for easy access and set up;

  • you will be aware of your air consumption all the time thanks to hose air integration of Mares Puck Air;

  • you will be able to build a NAVCON by adding a compass;

  • you will be able to replace a battery yourself with ease;

  • you may set up Personal Safety Factor in Mares Puck Air, which is good option for cautious divers

User Interface

1 button

Dive Modes

Air, Nitrox, Gauge

Integrated Digital Compass



Mares - Wienke RGBM

Number of Gas Mixes



Air, 21% - 50%


1.2 - 1.6 ATA

Air Integration


Safety Stop (SS)


Deep Stop (DS)


Conservative Factor


Altitude adjustment

P0/P1/P2/P3 - 0 - 3700 meters

Gas Switching


Dive Planner

12 - 48 meters

Logbook Capacity

40 dive hours maximum

Max Operational Depth

150 meters

Backlight duration

4 sec

Sampling Rate

20 sec

User Replaceable Battery


Data Retention or battery 'hot swap'


PC Interface



2 years

Mares Puck Air has only 1 control button for an easy access and programming, and 1 bar graph that represents our Ascent rate.

On surface or underwater you will get main and alternative displays with loads of information, and to swap between them - press button, of course.

Mares Puck Air display
Mares Puck Air dive computer display

Mares Puck Air Settings Card

Copy this Mares Puck Air Fine-Tuning Card for your Reference and Share with your friends and buddies!

For diving in Gauge mode there are no specific parameters to set, because in this mode scuba dive computer works as a depth gauge and timer only and do not perform calculations for decompression conditions.

Mares Puck Air: Diving With Air & Nitrox

During diving with Air and in No-Decompression mode Puck Air will show you 3 displays – main and 2 alternative.

Mares Puck Air NO-DECO Card

Copy this Mares Puck Air No-Decompression Display Card for your Reference and Share with your friends and buddies!

When diving with Nitrox in No-Decompression mode, displays look very similar, except you will get FO2, %CNS level and type of dive - EAN (Nitrox) displayed.

When you reach certain conditions, dive computer may give you Safety Stop prompt or series of 1 minute Deep stops if you are in Decompression dive mode, or if you are close to No-Decompression limits.

After you started ascending, dive computer starts monitoring your ascent rate and notify you if the rate of ascent is more than 12m/min (39ft/min) – it shows full bar with all segments and gives you message SLOW, and audible alarm goes on.

When you dive with Nitrox, Puck Air calculates oxygen toxicity according to your dive time, depth, and manages safety limits for oxygen exposure according to PPO2 that you set before diving.

Dive computer manages diving with Nitrox the same way it does with diving with Air. The only difference is about calculation and displaying few more crucial parameters, which are typical for Nitrox dives. Those parameters are:

  1. PPO2 - alarm goes on if current value exceeds the maximum value that you programmed in SET MODE;
  2. Oxygen toxicity (%CNS) – alarm goes on if value exceeded 75%

If you exceed our No-Decompression Limits (NDLs) - Puck Air will beep on us and turn Decompression mode, and all calculations will be for this mode only.

It manages Decompression stops by graphically displaying two triangles (arrows). And you must follow the prompts of this dive computer to stay at the certain depth to avoid the danger of the Decompression Sickness (DCS).

Mares Puck Air DECO Card

Copy this Mares Puck Air Decompression Display Card for your Reference and Share with your friends and buddies!

If we exceed Decompression Stop for 1 meter and stay at shallower depth for more than 3 minutes - computer activates Omitted Stop mode and will show errors if you want to do repetitive dive. During that time it will function as a depth gauge and timer only.

Mares Puck Air: Diving In GAUGE Mode

Gauge is the next dive mode of Puck Air. As it was mentioned above, when Gauge mode set – Puck Air works as a timer and depth gauge only and doesn't perform computations for No-Decompression Limits and Decompression Stop times.

And again in this mode you will have an access to 3 displays – main and 2 alternatives with information listed below:

  • Elapsed Dive Time (EDT);
  • current depth;
  • Ascent rate;
  • tank pressure;
  • temperature;
  • max depth reached;
  • Air Time Remaining (ATR) at current depth;
  • type of dive - Bt (Bottom Time), etc.

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When on the surface, we are able to access following functions in Mares Puck Air:

  1. Log Book – its capacity is approximately 40 hrs of diving with profile points at 20 seconds intervals;
  2. PC interface – this function allows you to transfer data from Log Book to a PC;
  3. Dive Planner - scrolling of No-Decompression Limits – this option allows you to scroll through the No-Decompression Limits and see your allowable bottom times at certain depth ar range of 12 - 48 meters, according to your residual nitrogen level from previous dive(s) and whether you set dive computer for Air or Nitrox. If it was set for Nitrox (EAN) - depths will be calculated in accordance with FO2 and PO2;
  4. Time to Fly countdown timer;
  5. Desaturation countdown timer

Mares Puck Air Computer Console With Compass
