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What Does It Mean When Your Name Is Blue World of Tanks

#1 Posted 02 December 2020 - 05:32 PM


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Please bring back blue name for ppl that shoot and ram at light tanks! we are subjected to lots of abuse when playing , they will ping at us to "teach" us how to play light tank(hey we didnt ping and teach you how to play heavy, med, td, arty right?) , at worst they ram us out of bushes where we are doing passive scouting and they shoot at us many times. Please bring back the blue name and temporary ban for offensive players that bully light tanks! This game wont be fun if we are being bullied in game and being told where to go by being pinged at all the time. If we didnt teach them how to play the game, why do they have to teach us lights how to play? You play yours, we play ours. Yet many times their bullying goes to ramming and shooting at us.

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MrSnapperhead #2 Posted 02 December 2020 - 05:57 PM


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You can still go blue by pushing player from own team off cliff and they get damaged, or by stunning own team multiple times.

If it is an issue for you, create a support ticket and put in complaint (with replay attached).

Are you too passive as a scout? You can play the battles your way and your team should not be taking things into their own hands, but also remember that you can also be penalised for overly passive game play.

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Zynth #3 Posted 02 December 2020 - 06:20 PM

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Note that shooting you does not reveal your location. Essentially all they are doing is wasting their credits.

Pushing is a concern. But consider that if you are in a forward passive spotting location, pushing you involves driving towards your spotting bush. Chances are they will be shot at and killed before they have a chance to push you due to camo differences. Unless of course your forward spotting position is woefully backwards to the point it can be deemed camping.

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Aoyama_Blue_Mountain #4 Posted 02 December 2020 - 08:34 PM

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You get teammates that move up to beside you? I can't even get teammates that move within draw distance.

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jumphonner #5 Posted 03 December 2020 - 02:22 PM


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View PostSeewhy, on 02 December 2020 - 07:32 PM, said:

Please bring back blue name for ppl that shoot and ram at light tanks! we are subjected to lots of abuse when playing , they will ping at us to "teach" us how to play light tank(hey we didnt ping and teach you how to play heavy, med, td, arty right?) , at worst they ram us out of bushes where we are doing passive scouting and they shoot at us many times.

Had you considered why they ping you? Shoot you? Push you out of the bush?

Perhaps you are not actually scouting for your team but fapping in some bush on the redline.

Do you W key towards the enemy before finding a convenient bush to "scout" from?

Looking at your light tanks stats, most of your tanks dont even spot a single tank a game. I think I know why you are being encouraged to go do your job.

If you like bushes on the redline, perhaps change to SPGs

Edited by jumphonner, 03 December 2020 - 02:25 PM.

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Ezz #6 Posted 03 December 2020 - 02:54 PM

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Maybe that's why i've started seeing arty go drive to a bush then 'passive spot' the rest of the battle. Probably fewer friendlies shoot them that way.

Who the [edited] are you? Get Spoofed! "wouldn't be a proper WG balance change if they didn't [edited] something up after all"

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afoxq #7 Posted 03 December 2020 - 05:31 PM

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View PostSeewhy, on 02 December 2020 - 05:32 PM, said:

Please bring back blue name for ppl that shoot and ram at light tanks! we are subjected to lots of abuse when playing , they will ping at us to "teach" us how to play light tank(hey we didnt ping and teach you how to play heavy, med, td, arty right?) , at worst they ram us out of bushes where we are doing passive scouting and they shoot at us many times. Please bring back the blue name and temporary ban for offensive players that bully light tanks! This game wont be fun if we are being bullied in game and being told where to go by being pinged at all the time. If we didnt teach them how to play the game, why do they have to teach us lights how to play? You play yours, we play ours. Yet many times their bullying goes to ramming and shooting at us.

So uh, just looking at your WR / Stats from your Tier 6 and above LTs played, you're not doing so well.

This is looking to be like more of a


problem, than of a what you claim to be a scenario of LTs being bullied.

Hey if it makes you feel better, I call out all the [redacted] that dont seem to understand the role of their tank or positioning in game too.

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Puggsley #8 Posted 09 December 2020 - 11:35 AM


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You are not that 1375 who spots for the north spawn on Phrok in the bush at C3 are you? And goes back there when pushed out?

If so then sorry for not turning blue, but you have no idea how to spot.

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NZ_Reaper_666 #9 Posted 11 December 2020 - 08:13 PM

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    11-08-2012 from a few days ago on hk. some players have no idea. i was the other light.

Edited by Teiri, 12 December 2020 - 02:40 PM.

Just a tomato trying to get his win rate up its working a whole 1% in 6 months.

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GuwapoDuke49th #10 Posted 12 January 2021 - 04:30 AM


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I drive mainly lights. Lights dont get bullied. If they do their job.

Sometimes some bad player or player who already have bad mood are raging when you not suicide. And some people simply don't understand the situation and why you cannot provide the needed spot at times. But aside from that - I never got bullied. A shot here and there from above mentioned players. But nothing that can be taken as bullying.

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Puggsley #11 Posted 15 January 2021 - 10:51 AM


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If you are doing your job as a scout tank then your teammates will be too busy shooting enemies to bully you.

Its only when you give them a few minutes of doing nothing but getting bored and antsy that they will bully you.

And if your allies are able to drive up to where you are as a scout and push you out, without being vapourised by the enemy, then you are by definition in a bad position to scout.......

Edited by Puggsley, 15 January 2021 - 10:55 AM.

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The_VCs_2000AD #12 Posted 04 April 2021 - 09:42 AM


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Sadly many light tank players fail miserly to spot anything for their team because they are too far back BUT equally and if not more I find MEDIUM tanks are camping bushes way back and trying to snipe. TD's dont have it easy in this case because we have to find another spot further forward. So many mediums do it now. Main offenders I've found are Progetto 46's. Had a T34-1 do it yesterday along with Panther 88.

Why are these idiots NOT playing their class role and then having a go at you for calling them out on this?

Totally pisses me off and ruins many games as the enemy med's who arent camping out flank us due to these morons.

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CardinalMite #13 Posted 04 April 2021 - 11:06 AM


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View PostThe_VCs_2000AD, on 04 April 2021 - 01:42 AM, said:

Sadly many light tank players fail miserly to spot anything for their team because they are too far back BUT equally and if not more I find MEDIUM tanks are camping bushes way back and trying to snipe. TD's dont have it easy in this case because we have to find another spot further forward. So many mediums do it now. Main offenders I've found are Progetto 46's. Had a T34-1 do it yesterday along with Panther 88.

Why are these idiots NOT playing their class role and then having a go at you for calling them out on this?

Totally pisses me off and ruins many games as the enemy med's who arent camping out flank us due to these morons.

You know that not all mediums play the same right? You just cited 3 mediums that played correctly are quite different. Depending on map and availability of hard cover a Projetto 46 would not necessarily be wrong to hang back especially early on in the match for example.

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