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How to Make a Vertical Drawer

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Whether you're making a desk for a personal project, or fixing a broken or missing drawer, making your own drawers can be a fun and easy process! In fact, drawers are actually relatively easy to make, as a drawer is basically just a box that moves in and out on a track. You just need to make the drawer itself, buy drawer slides, and figure out how to attach it to the desk. With a few supplies and a bit of time, you can have a brand new drawer to store all your desk supplies in.

  1. 1

    Use a ruler to measure the depth, width, and height for your drawer. Before you buy the supplies for your drawer, you need to figure out how big you want it to be. Measure the space under the desk and then decide what size drawer will fit well in the space.

    • You will need to determine the depth, width, and height that you want the drawer to be before buying supplies.
    • The drawer does not need to span the entire width of the desk. Just measure out the area where you think the drawer size you want might fit nicely.[1]
  2. 2

    Measure the leg clearance that you will need under your drawer. When planning out the drawer, you need to make sure that it will not block your legs from going under the desk. To plan this out, sit at the desk in the chair you will use and measure the distance between the top of your legs and the bottom of the desk. This distance will determine how tall your drawer can be.[2]

    • Give yourself a few inches between the top of your legs and where the bottom of the drawer will be. This will ensure that you are able to comfortably move your legs in and out of the area once the drawer is installed.


  3. 3

    Buy enough lumber to make each section of the drawer. You will need a piece of plywood that is the width and depth of the drawer you want to make. You will also need a piece of lumber that has a width that is the same as the height of the drawer. This piece of wood should be long enough so that you can cut it into the four side pieces.[3]

    • The lumber for the sides of the drawer should be about .5 inches (1.3 cm) thick. This will make the drawer sturdy but not too heavy.
    • To figure out how much wood you need for the four side pieces, add together the width and depth of the drawer and double that number. This will give you just a bit more length than you need.
  4. 4

    Pick out drawer slides for the underside of the desk. Drawer slide hardware allows the drawer to move in and out using wheels or ball bearings and it comes in a wide variety of styles. You will need to get a set that can attach to the side of the drawer, instead of the bottom of the drawer. The slides you want should also attach directly to the underside of the desk, as opposed to being made to attach to the inside of a contained area or another configuration.[4]

    • Also, the slides need to be the right length. They should be the same length as the depth of the drawer, or a few inches shorter.

    Tip: If you are unsure what drawer slides to purchase, talk to an employee at your local home improvement store or go to a specialty wood working store, where they will have lots of options and know how.


  1. 1

    Measure and mark out the plywood for the bottom of the drawer. The measurements for this piece of plywood should be the drawer width by the overall depth of the drawer. Mark the width measurement on a straight edge of the plywood. Then use a framing square to make a square corner and use the depth measurement to draw a line up from the corner. Repeat this on the other end of the width marks and then complete the rectangle with a final line.[5]

    • For example, if you want a drawer that is 2 feet (0.61 m) wide by 1 foot (0.30 m) deep, your plywood should also have those dimensions.
  2. 2

    Cut out the plywood for the bottom of the drawer. Use a circular saw, jig saw, or table saw to cut along the lines you drew. Take your time and cut the wood slowly so that your cuts are straight and smooth.

    • If you don't get exactly straight cuts, you can use sandpaper to smooth out the edges.

    Warning: When making your cuts on the table saw, do not try to 'freehand' the cut. Each piece of wood must be supported by the saw's miter gauge or a crosscutting sled. If not, the wood may kick back at you, which can lead to serious injury.

  3. 3

    Measure out the front, back, and side pieces of wood. These 4 pieces will create the frame of the drawer. The front and back pieces of wood will need to be the total width you want the drawer to be. The length of the side pieces will need to be the desired depth of the drawer minus the width of the front and back pieces of wood.[6]

    • For example, if your drawer needs to be 12 inches (30 cm) wide and 8 inches (20 cm) deep, the front and back pieces should be 12 inches (30 cm) long. The side pieces should be 8 inches (20 cm) minus the width of the front and back pieces.
    • You need to adjust the length of the side pieces because they will have the front and back pieces attached to their ends.
  4. 4

    Cut out the 4 pieces of wood for the drawer frame. Use your saw to cut along the lines you have marked on your wood. After you have made your cuts, check the length of your pieces and ensure that you know which ones are the front and back pieces and which ones go on the sides.

  5. 5

    Position the side, front, and back pieces so they form the frame. Place all four frame pieces on a flat work surface. Place the front and back pieces on their sides parallel to each other at the same distance apart as the depth of the drawer will be. Then place the left and right side pieces inside the ends of the front and back pieces.[7]

    • When positioned correctly, the ends of the left and right side pieces will be covered by the ends of the front and back pieces.

    Tip: It may be helpful to find someone who can assist you with holding the frame pieces in place.

  6. 6

    Glue the frame together. Run a line of wood glue on the surfaces where the end of the left and right sides and the front and back pieces contact each other. Once a thin layer of glue is applied, clamp all four sides together with straps or clamps. [8]

    • As you are attaching the sides, make sure to keep the whole frame square. Check it with the framing square after positioning, gluing, and clamping them to ensure that your drawer stays square.
  7. 7

    Screw the frame pieces together. Drill pilot holes at each corner through the front and back pieces into the side pieces. Then insert screws to attach them securely together.[9]

    • Use screws that are long enough to go through the front and back pieces and securely into the side pieces.
  8. 8

    Screw the bottom of the drawer onto the bottom of the frame. Place the bottom of the drawer on the top of the frame. Check that the piece of plywood you have fits over the frame exactly and then run a bead of glue along the top of the frame where it will meet the plywood. Position the plywood and clamp it in place before making pilot holes and screwing it to the frame.[10]

    • When drilling and screwing the plywood into place, be sure that you are going into the center of the frame pieces exactly. If you miss the center, you could be inserting screws into the inside of your drawer.[11]
  9. 9

    Put a finish on the drawer if you'd like. If you want the drawer painted, stained, or sealed, now is the time to do it. Make sure that the finish is thoroughly dried before proceeding with attaching it to the desk.

    • It may be that you want the drawer to match the desk as closely as possible, in which case you would want to try and match the paint or stain on the desk. However, you could paint or stain it a contrasting color to make it stand out and give it a decorative look.


  1. 1

    Trace the drawer on the underside of the desk. Place the drawer on the underside of the desk where you want it to be positioned when it is closed. Trace around it with a pencil when it is in the right spot. [12]

    • These marks will help you install the sliding hardware in the correct position.
  2. 2

    Attach the sliding hardware to the underside of the desk. In most cases, you will attach two metal slide guides onto the underside of the desk with screws. These slides will be positioned on both sides of the drawer, lined up with the outline you traced there. Your specific slides will come with instructions for how far off the outline your slides need to go, so be sure to follow the directions.[13]

    • It's important that the slide guides are the correct distance apart and installed parallel to each other so that the drawer can slide in and out easily.

    Tip: Which pieces attach to the underside of the desk and which attach to the drawer itself will be described in the instructions that come with the slides.

  3. 3

    Screw the sliding hardware onto the drawer. Follow the directions that came with the slides to position them correctly on the sides of the drawer. Pay close attention to how far down from the top of the drawer they are, how far from the front of the drawer they are, and that they are level. Once they are positioned correctly, mark the holes where the screws will go with a pencil. Then screw the slide hardware onto the drawer with the screws supplied with the slides. [14]

    • It may be that you have to put the drawer in place between the slide guides you already installed and mark their position on the side of the drawer before attaching the slide hardware on the drawer. Do this if your slide instructions tell you to do it.
    • In some cases you will also put the sliding hardware into position in the slide guides and then put the drawer in place. This will allow you to mark exactly where on the drawer the screws that hold the slide hardware should go.
  4. 4

    Insert the drawer into place. Once the slide hardware is attached, insert the slide pieces that are attached to the drawer into the slide pieces that are attached to the underside of the desk. How the slide guides and the slide hardware connects varies, so consult the directions if it is unclear.[15]


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Things You'll Need

  • Plywood for the drawer bottom
  • Wood for drawer sides.
  • Screws
  • Sandpaper
  • Wood glue
  • Paint or sealant for the surface, if desired
  • Sliding hardware
  • Pencil
  • Clamps or straps
  • Saw
  • Framing square
  • Drill
  • Instead of building your own drawer, you can use a small filing cabinet, an attachable drawer, or boxes or other organizational containers to hold your desk supplies.

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How to Make a Vertical Drawer
